The mission of the Sharon CDC is to drive community and economic development in Sharon. Our initial focus on downtown - the heart of the Valley - has already begun to see a revitalization movement. We are here to help continue fueling those efforts and to help create and establish enough structure for the long-term sustainability of vibrancy here.
The Sharon CDC is intentional about gathering community input, and using it to guide our actions that will benefit the economic vitality, design, promotion, and organization of Sharon and our role in the region.
Giving Week Progress:
Programs Supported by Your Donations
While the Sharon CDC supports community and economic development across the City, our first focus is on downtown - the heart of the Valley - which offers a beautiful setting for some of our community's favorite traditions. We are partnering with the City of Sharon, the Beautification Commission, and your generosity to begin upgrading our holiday decorations in downtown.
Imagine driving into the City through warm snowflake lighting, leading to a spectacular Christmas tree, with other memory-making 'photo opps' in the new green space along the river, all of which cultivate a very special holiday season in downtown Sharon.
We can't wait to celebrate the kick-off of the season with you on Saturday, November 30 with our 'Night of Lights' and Small Business Saturday activities, surrounded by some really great additions to our holiday decorations.
The growth and hope that we find in Sharon is truly shaping the future of our community as a destination location- a place for people to visit- where they can capture and enjoy some holiday spirit! Thank you for your support and your shared love of Sharon.
Needs that Cannot beMet without Your Help
As a new, non-profit organization in Sharon, we are just getting started. Our work is and will be fully supported by grants, sponsors, and donors. Through our collaborative and consensus-building nature, we find opportunities to make a difference in areas where the community wants to see it, and then we raise the funds to make things happen. Our work is reflective of community input and a result of the generosity of time, talent, and treasury that the community is willing to help put in to make things happen!